Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Line FAQHow to tie two fishing lines together?
Carlos asked 2 years ago

6 Answers
Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago

Tying two fishing lines together is a handy skill to know, whether you’re trying to make your line stronger or just extend its length. There are a few different ways to go about it, but the most versatile and reliable method is known as the Albright knot. This knot can be used to tie monofilament to braided line, or braided line to leader material, making it ideal for just about any situation.

Here’s how to tie an Albright knot:

Start by threading one line through the eye of the other. Then, make a loop around both lines with one end of the first line (the end that’s already through the eye). Next, wrap this around again, making sure to keep the loop tight, and pass it through the hole. Finally, pull both lines tight and trim the excess.

You can watch a video tutorial on how to tie an Albright knot here:


Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
There are a variety of ways to tie two fishing lines together. The most popular method is the double fisherman’s knot, also known as the grapevine knot. This knot is strong and secure, making it a good choice for joining two lines of equal or different thicknesses. Another common option is the blood knot, which is often used by fly fishermen. This knot is more difficult to tie, but it’s extremely strong and provides a smooth connection between the lines. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to join two lines, you can use a simple overhand knot. However, this knot isn’t as secure as the other two options and may come undone more easily.

Wilson answered 2 years ago
There are a few ways to tie two fishing lines together. One way is to use a clinch knot. Another way is to use a Surgeon’s knot.
The Clinch Knot: Form a loop in one of the lines, then form a second loop in the other line. Pass the end of the first loop through the second loop. Wet the line and pull tight.
The Surgeon’s Knot: Make a loop in one of the lines and make another loop about twice as large as the other line. Pass the end of the first loop through the second loop. Wet both loops and pull tight. You now have two joined fishing lines!

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago

There are a few ways to do this, but the most popular is the Blood Knot. The easiest way to remember how to tie a Blood Knot is to think of it as two half hitches.

To tie a Blood Knot:

  • Take one line in each hand and twist them around each other 4 or 5 times (it doesn’t have to be precise)
  • Now hold on to both of those loops with one hand and use your other hand to poke your thumbs through the loops like you’re making fists.
  • Twist your hands in opposite directions while holding on to the loops (this will cause the lines inside the loops to tighten)
  • Hold on tight and pull both lines away from each other until the knot is tight.
  • Trim the ends off close to the knot.

The Blood Knot is one of the strongest knots for tying lines together and it’s fairly easy to learn. It’s a good knot to use for fishing because it’s strong and can handle a lot of tension.

Bernard answered 2 years ago
There are a few ways to tie two fishing lines together. One way is to use a clinch knot. Another way is to use a Surgeons knot. And yet another way is to use a Double Uni Knot. The best way to determine which knot to use is by knowing the type of fishing line that you are using, and the size of the line. Each knot has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to know which one will work best for your specific application.

Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
One way to tie two fishing lines together is to use a clinch knot. To do this, thread one line through the other about halfway down its length. Hold both lines together and twist the ends around each other five or six times. Then, form a loop with the doubled-over line and tuck it behind the twists. Finally, pull both lines tight.
A popular method is the Yosemite Sam knot. To tie the Yosemite Sam knot, tie a regular knot with one of the lines, and then do a second loop with the other line around the first line. Pull both loops tight, and you’re done!