Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Line FAQHow to tie a weight on a fishing line?
Derek Scott asked 2 years ago
How to tie a sinker to a fishing line?

4 Answers
Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
There are a couple of different ways that you can tie a weight to a fishing line. The most common way is to use a knot called the Palomar knot. This knot is quick and easy to tie, and it is also very strong. Another option is to use a loop knot, which is not quite as strong as the Palomar knot but can be easier to tie.
To tie the Palomar knot, start by threading the fishing line through the eye of the weight. Then make an overhand loop in the fishing line and bring it back through the eye of the weight again. Next, wet the knots and pull on both ends of the line until they are snug against the weight.


Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago

There are a few different ways to do this, but the most popular way is to use a loop knot. To make a loop knot, first, tie a basic knot in the line, then create a small loop in the line below the knot. Pass the free end of the line through the loop and pull tight. You can then attach your weight to the free end of the line.

If you\’re using a large weight, you may need to use two or more loops in order to create enough slack for tying on the weight. Another option is to use a leader wire instead of typing it directly onto the fishing line. Leader wire is thicker than regular fishing lines and can hold heavier weights without breaking.

David answered 2 years ago

Here are some of the easiest ways to tie a fishing lead.


Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
There are many different ways to tie a weight onto a fishing line, and the method you use will depend on the type of weight and the type of fishing line you are using. Weights can be made of lead, brass, steel, or other materials, and they come in many different sizes and shapes. Fishing lines can be monofilament, braided, or fluorocarbon.
The easiest way to tie a weight onto your line is to use a knot that secures it tightly in place so that it doesn’t slip or come loose. A common way to do this is to tie an overhand knot in the fishing line above the weight, then thread the end of the line through the loop created by the knot. Pull the line tight, and you’re done!
If you’re using a lead weight, you can also use a simple loop knot. Just tie a loop in the fishing line above the weight, then thread the end of the line through the loop. Pull the line tight and you’re all set.
For other types of weights, you may need to use a different type of knot. If you’re not sure which knot to use, ask someone at your local tackle shop for help.
Once you’ve tied the weight onto your line, you’re ready to start fishing! There are many different techniques and tips that can help you be successful, so be sure to do some research and practice before you head out on your first fishing trip. Good luck!