Fishing QuestionsCategory: Fishing Knot FAQHow to tie a uni knot fishing?
George Phillips asked 2 years ago
What is a uni-knot in fishing?

6 Answers
Alex – ProFisherman Staff answered 2 years ago
Fishing knot uni knot and double uni knot are one of the best knots. Little trauma to the line and reliable knot should be known by every fisherman. You can use it to tie a swivel on the line, hook, wobbler, or sinker, and can even make the first knot on the reel for winding a new line. Other fishing knots to know are Palomar knot, uni knot, FG knot, blood knot, Albright knot, snell knot, double uni knot, clinch knot, Trilene knot, improved clinch knot, loop knot, Yucatan knot.


Martin Staff answered 2 years ago
Watch this video and you’ll be knitting the uni knot correctly in two minutes. I recommend it and consider it one of the top 10 best fishing knots. I use it a lot myself.


Carlos answered 2 years ago
If the fishing hook has an ear, which can be put through the line, then the most convenient knot for attaching it to the leash is a knot Uni. Properly tying the hook is the most important step in assembling your tackle. Catching a fish and missing it because of a loose hook is very frustrating.


Bernard answered 2 years ago
There are a few ways to tie a uni knot fishing, but the most popular is to make a loop with the line and then wrap it around the main line five times. Next, pass the end of the line through the loop and pull tight. You can also use this knot for attaching lures or weights to your line.

David answered 2 years ago

The uni knot is a versatile knot that can be used for both saltwater and freshwater fishing applications. To tie a uni knot, first, double the line and tie an overhand knot around the doubled line. Then, pass the end of the line through the loop created by the overhand knot. Finally, pull on both ends of the line to tighten the knot.

Wilson answered 2 years ago
The uni knot is a strong and versatile knot that can be used for a variety of purposes, including tying a fishing line to a fishing rod. To tie the uni knot, first, make a loop with the end of the line. Then, take the free end of the line and pass it over the loop, making sure to go under the part of the line that was just wrapped around the loop (this is what forms the “uni” or “single”)

Then, take the free end of the line and insert it through the hole created by wrapping it around the loop. Finally, pull on both ends of the line to tighten everything up – you’ve now tied your uni knot!