To tie the Rapala knot, make a loop in the line and hold it between your thumb and first 2 fingers. Then, pass the end of the line around the standing part (the part of the line that is already attached to something) and insert it into the loop. Wetting your fingers makes this easier.
Now, twist the standing part around the loop once and pull tight. Next, make another loop in the line (not too large this time) and pass the end of the line through it. Wet your fingers again and pull this loop tight. Finally, trim the excess line and you’re done!
1. Start by threading the line through the eye of the lure, and then double back so that there’s about 6 inches of line between the eye and the loop.
2. Next, take hold of the two lines just above the eye, and twist them around each other 8-10 times.
3. Now take hold of just one of the lines (it doesn’t matter which), and make a loop around the other line.
4. ran the end of this line through the loop, and then pull tight. You should now have a small loop of the line just above the eye of the lure.
5. Next, take hold of both lines just below the small loop, and twist them around each other 8-10 times.
6. Make a second loop in one of the lines (again, it doesn’t matter which), and ran the end of this line through the loop.
7. Pull tight, and then trim any excess line.
And that’s it! You’ve now successfully tied a Rapala knot.
1) Take the line in your left hand and the lure in your right hand. Make sure that the hook is pointing away from you.
2) Pass the lure through the eye of the hook, making sure that it doesn’t get tangled.
3) Now hold the wraps between your thumb and forefinger, and make 5-7 wraps around both the standing line (the part that goes to your reel) AND the tag end (the part that you’re holding).
4) Wet the wraps thoroughly with saliva or water, and then cinch them down by pulling on the standing line with your right hand and the tag end with your left hand.
5) Trim the tag end close to the wraps, and you’re done! Your lure is now securely attached to your fishing line.
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