The principle of casting net fishing.
Before casting a casting net, it is necessary to understand the technology of its use:
- The product should be folded correctly so that it can unfold in the cast. To do this, you will have to fold the pulling rope in the left hand, then take the tackle by the center, actively shake it (it is necessary for its pulling and spreading of the net), and check that the cargo cord has no loops.
- After the right hand, you intercept the net by the top and twist it with 1-2 loops (depending on the size of the tackle) in the left hand.
- Then stretch the cargo rope to its maximum length.
- Then you need to cast the net on a stretch of water. To do this, you make 2-3 swinging movements or you need to swing one strongly. The throw should be as horizontal as possible. Casting a net with a ring will cover exactly the same area as the size of the net itself.
- Then, the laden part of the tackle will begin to sink to the bottom, you will only have to pull the rope, which is attached to the base, to pull out a “bag” full of fish.
This is an approximate technique because every angler gets his experience by trial and error. Some advice looping the loop, which is on the end of the rope, on the left wrist. Others say that a more reliable method would be fixing it on the belt, so he is sure not to fly after the tackle, accidentally slipping off a wet hand.
The parachute net got its name because of the shape of a regular circle, sheathed with twine, to which the lead weights are attached.
The diameter may be different, but the principle of the device is almost identical. To pull the “mantle” more conveniently, a central braided cord with a loop on the end is used (a twisted version is absolutely not suitable).
It is better if its thickness is 5-6 mm, then it will not cut the hands at the time of selection. The usual length is 4-4,5 meters, but amateur fishermen, who have mastered the principles of casting net fishing, increase it one and a half to two times.
The place must be chosen carefully, taking into account all the features of the relief. For example, great depth and strong current are negative factors that reduce the likelihood of rich prey. Ponds with heavily overgrown or coarse stones on the bottom should be avoided. A brow, that is, a steep underwater slope will also become an obstacle to capturing fish.
Carefully look at the shore. Nothing should interfere with your casting net casting. And it can hook not only on a tree or bush but also on the overly lush bush. The best option – is a couple of meters of free space to the right and left.
There is no need to cast the net-parachute from a height exceeding 2 meters. Because at the moment of touching the water in this case the weights will start to converge, i.e. instead of an even circle you will get a cone. So, precipices, embankments, or bridges are not the best places for fishing with a hover net.

Casting net:
1- central pull cord;
2 – slings;
3- net web;
4-cargo cord;
5- swivel;
6- sleeve
Casting nets are divided into two large groups: American type and Spanish type. The American type seems to be more convenient to cast, more catchy, and easier to make with my own hands. Although I admit the bias of this opinion: I began to fish with American casting nets ten years ago and use them successfully until now. I also tried the Spanish type and have to admit at least one advantage of this tackle: in places with inconvenient underwater terrain, it is less likely to get caught on rocks, bluffs, etc.
A casting net is a net in the shape of a regular circle, on the edge of which a cord is sewn, equipped with very often planted lead weights.
The size indicated on the packages of factory-made nets refers not to the diameter, but to the radius of the circle. On American-made nets, it is often calculated not in meters, and in feet, and ranges from 91 cm (three-foot net) to 3.04 m (ten-foot net).
To pull the net is the central braided cord (twisted in no way no good), thick enough (so it does not cut the hands when quickly selecting tackle), usually at least 5-6 mm. Its standard length is 4-4,5 m, but many amateurs perfectly mastered the tackle, increasing the length of the cord by 1,5-2 times. At the end of the cord, there is a loop with a diameter of 20-25 cm.
When pulling out an American-style net, the central cord pulls the cargo cord toward the center with the strings and practically pulls it together into a compact clump, thereby tightening the net and forming a bag with a closed outlet.
When pulling the Spanish-type net, the weights converge to the center due to the pull of the cord and their own gravity, closing the exit, and the catch remains in the pockets of the net, located along its perimeter.
On American tackle in the center of the network is a small round hole (5-6 cm in diameter), and the net at its edge is attached to a plastic or fluoroplastic sleeve. One hole is drilled in the sleeve (for the smallest nets) or several (6-8 cm for the largest), through which the slings-pro strings slide.
The net (with rather fine cells, from 9 to 15 mm) is taken from a monofilament and from the twisted thread. If someone wants to make a casting net of the American type with their own hands, he should follow a few rules:
1. Lead weights are placed on the cargo cord evenly and very often, with a distance between their centers of no more than 10-12 cm. Weight sinkers – from 20 to 35 g, depending on the size of the network, and their shape – greatly elongated cylinder, spherical cargo, especially able to fall through the mesh network, are not applicable. If the weights are not purchased but cast by yourself, it is necessary to treat each one carefully, eliminating all irregularities and casting defects.
2. Slings are made of fishing lines (monofilament, the braided line makes it difficult to catch) 1 mm thick or more, their length is not much longer than the radius of the tackle. Fasten veins to the cargo cord often enough, at least every 0,5 m, and, accordingly, their number is increasing with the size of the tackle. If the plastic sleeve drilled not one, but several holes, then through each need to pass those veins that lead to the corresponding edge of the network, not allowing crossing. Sharp edges on the edges of the holes, any irregularities, and burrs are not allowed.
3. Knot, which collects together veins, is made as compact and neat as possible, without sticking out in the side of the tail of the line. Because there is torque when throwing, it is better to connect it to the pulling center cord through a swivel of sufficient strength. Sometimes a plastic disc with a diameter of 3-4 cm with holes at the edge (the number of veins) is placed in front of the knot, and let each vein through its hole.
So ahead of 55×50 or better 70×70 is a very good size! On the other hand, you don’t fish with long spinning rods from the boat, so you don’t need a long handle. The usual length of the handle is from 1 meter to about 1,3m. The total length is from 1.3 to 1.7 meters.
Both handles and heads of big “boat” jibs are made from aluminum and they have a complex profiles to make these two parts of the jib as strong and solid as possible. Any folding mechanism is a weak link, therefore it is better to choose a solid head. The only thing – in a boat net the head is removed from the handle – for transportation (also from the factory), and also it gives the possibility to replace one or another part in case of breakage.
A very important part of the net is the net! I personally prefer the net of netting made of thick fishing line – it does not catch T’s, on the current such a netting is less carried away by water and it is more maneuverable. In addition, the fishing line dries quickly, it is easy to wash off fish slime, cuss, etc.
It is better to get some lessons from the expert in person, or at least try to repeat what he shows in the video. But let us try.
The pictured fisherman is standing on the bank, but still, the best place to start training is not at the river or lake, but on some lawn or mowed lawn. Naturally, in the field, on the body of water, before starting training, the net is thoroughly cleaned from slime and another aquatic vegetation leftover from the previous casting.
Phases of casting the net

The pull cord is gathered with rings in the left hand, the tackle is taken with the outstretched hand by the central part (or by the sleeve – for an American-type net), lightly shaken so that the net stretches and straightens out. If the cargo cord forms a loop somewhere, it should be straightened with your free hand.
Then the upper part of the tackle (from a quarter to half of the net, depending on its radius) is intercepted with the right hand and collected by one or two loops – also in the left hand. Then it is the turn of the cargo cord. It is taken by two points with the same left hand and the right hand and the hands are spread wide enough so that the remaining free part of the net stretches as much as possible.
The next step – is the casting itself. He performed it after two or three swinging movements, or after one swing (the fisherman’s body turns around almost 180 °). The most important thing at this point – is the plane in which the tackle moves. Casting net, turning on the fly, just fly by the most gentle trajectory and finally turn in a circle shortly before touching the water. The latter depends on the strength of the throw, the ability to commensurate which comes only with training.
Almost every angler with the acquisition of experience begins to modernize it, adjusting it to their individual characteristics and to specific fishing conditions. For example, it is possible not to collect the pull cord with rings on the hand, and leave it lying underfoot (provided that the coast is clear enough and the cord is not caught on branches, roots, snags, etc.). Preparation time for throwing is reduced, which increases the number of throws per fishing trip and, accordingly, the size of the catch. After much trial and error you have mastered the basics of casting technique, take the casting net and go fishing.
When it comes to choosing the right type of net, there are several factors to consider, such as the size and shape of the net itself. In general, large-mesh nets are best for shallow water while smaller-mesh nets work better for deeper waters. Additionally, circular and triangular shaped nets can be used depending on your methodology and purpose.
Once you have selected your appropriate type of net, you can begin practicing your casting technique by holding the handle with one hand at about shoulder height and extending it upwards slightly before tossing it forward. When swinging the net outwards from behind you , make sure not to hold onto it too tightly or else you risk restricting its range; this same principle applies when bringing it back in towards yourself as well. Additionally, adjusting your position relative to where you want your bait or lure to land will improve accuracy when throwing a casted line out into deeper waters.
In most cases long narrow streams require long casts because they provide more distance between two points while shorter wider streams require shorter casts which provide less distance between two points; thus making precision more important when trying to ensure that lure or bait lands where intended without having too much extra slack line spread across area where no fish could possibly be active (or conversely getting snagged up somewhere along its way).
Finally if using traditional monofilament line keep in mind that its often rated according Strength/Diameter ratio (in Pound Test) so make sure not break any guidelines set forth by local fishing regulations prior embarking upon any attempt at catching dinner!
1. Choose an area in which to cast your fishing net. Look for areas with still water that has plenty of structure or abundant food sources such as grass beds or shallow reefs where fish like to congregate.
2. Select the right kind of net for your style of fishing; either a trammel net or a thrownet depending on what type of water you plan on fishing in and what type/size fish you will be targeting.
3. When ready, hold the rim firmly between two fingers above one shoulder while keeping one hand close by so that when its time to launch, there’s little resistance from wind drag during flight trajectory phase into its fully opened position underwater.
4 .Deployment requires accurately calculating arc angle ahead in order for optimal placement into target area without obstructions like rocks or logs plus proper terminal velocity achievable through fairly strong throwing arm acceleration with added spin while having adequate grip strength control during entire process.
5 . Upon impact into water surface below allow energy stored within mesh fibers material fabric stretch allowing weight and density load increase nearly instantly opening up its diameter thus sinking deep enough start collecting aquatic life organisms within radius perimeter set by size measurement apparatus used before casting took place.
6 . After few hours wait patiently till optimum time count down reaches zero then proceed tugging back carefully too quickly don’t tear valuable collected items off they remain intact inside confines where they belong submerged until retrieved safely ashore via pull cord attached securely onto ring located outer periphery near edge nearer opposite end location used before flinging far away early morning sunrise.
Next, familiarize yourself with how to hold and operate your net properly: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart while facing your target area holding the handle of the net leading away from you between both hands so that it forms an open circle in front of where you are standing – this will give your throw greater distance when it comes time for casting. After identifying which hand is dominant (right or left), keep that hand at the base of the handle closest to you with four fingers wrapped around it for greatest control; using smaller jerks rather than larger ones for greater accuracy when making casts out into deeper waters. For throws further away from shoreline use long sweeping motions from head high downwards towards lower mid-level angles instead since these allow better accuracy when longer distances are involved.
When releasing tough snags take extra caution by slowly allowing more rope on either side so that they can break free without damaging any part of the equipment being used–an important step in avoiding damage downline!
Finally once casted out keep an eye on its progress by watching closely until all debris has fallen off (rocks etc). Be patient and stay focused; if nothing occurs after waiting five minutes start reeling back in again until something happens! Become well versed over time with techniques like this one and just take some practice: Before long enough know exactly how & why each cast works best depending on conditions beneath surface level!
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